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Important Facts About Illinois Divorce

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There are several types of divorce in Illinois. If the divorce is not contested and there are no extenuating circumstances, traditional, litigated divorcing is the only option. Other options for divorce include collaborative, mediated and negotiated. You can read more about this. Below are some key facts about each type Illinois divorce. In addition, learn more about Illinois's spousal maintenance laws.

Uncontested divorce

If you and your spouse are deciding to divorce uncontested, it is important that you understand what the court proceedings entail. Illinois law requires equitable distribution of marital property. If you have children, an uncontested divorce must also include alimony agreement that outlines the amount, duration, and the schedule of visits. Both parents must agree upon a Illinois child support order. The parents must also agree on a parenting schedule for the children. This must be in accordance with Illinois' "best-interest" standard.

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Irreconcilable differences

It is relatively new ground for divorce: separating spouses who have irreconcilable differences. It is a product of the evolution of marriage over the past several decades. While every state now allows for a no-fault divorce, Illinois is one of the few to still recognize the traditional grounds for divorce. Irreconcilable differences are defined as an inability to reconcile the parties and their lives.

Legal separation

When a couple wants to separate, they can do so legally through a court order. The filing party must file an application with the Circuit Court clerk in their county. The petition must include relevant information about both parties, such as the dates of their marriage and separation, if they have children, and whether or not they are living in Illinois. The judge will then review the case and decide if legal separation is appropriate.

Spousal maintenance

In Illinois, spousal maintenance is a way to keep one spouse afloat while they work or seek other means of support. While the state's spousal maintenance laws don't allow for permanent alimony, they do provide guidelines for how much a spouse should be paid. Chicago spousal Maintenance Attorneys will help you to get the right amount while protecting you rights.

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Division of real estate

You should hire a property division or divorce lawyer if you are in the midst of a divorce. Illinois divorce law requires an equitable property division. But that doesn't mean each spouse will get the exact same amount. Illinois divorce attorneys can help you protect your financial future. This article will provide an overview of Illinois' property division laws and divorcing laws.


Is it possible to become a lawyer without attending law school?

Yes, you can!

It is enough to have a degree from a university that does not teach law if you have an excellent understanding of the legal system. Learn how laws interact and what makes them unique.

You should know how to understand and interpret statutes, regulations or court decisions. You should understand the basic concepts of constitutional law, administrative law, contract law, property law, criminal law, civil procedure, evidence, torts, bankruptcy, intellectual property, and employment law.

You must pass the bar examination to practice law. The bar examination tests your knowledge of law and your ability apply the law in real-life scenarios. This exam tests your knowledge of the law as well as your ability to read and analyze cases.

The oral and written sections of the bar exam are split into two sections. The written part is composed of multiple choice questions. Simulated trials are the oral part. You must study for the bar exam for at least six months before you can take a qualifying exam.

You will need to pass the bar exam and be admitted to the state in which you want to practice law. Admission requirements vary depending on the jurisdiction, so check with the State Bar Association for details.

What type of lawyer is most in demand?

It is best to simply say there are two types. They are transactional lawyers and litigation lawyers. Transactional attorneys deal with business law as well as contracts. Litigation lawyers deal with lawsuits. Generalists are lawyers that specialize in both. One of the most prominent examples of a generalist lawyer is the "Big Law" one, who practices in large firms that handle many different types of cases. Generalists can either be transactional or litigators.

Transactional lawyers can handle many legal matters including divorces. They often work on a basis of a contingency fee. They are only paid if their client wins. If the client loses, the lawyer doesn't get paid. Because they have to pass trials to win cases, these lawyers are sometimes called "trial attorneys".

Litigation lawyers handle lawsuits. They represent clients in courtrooms as well as administrative hearings. Some litigators are also skilled in transactional work. For example, they could draft documents on behalf of their clients. A company can employ litigation lawyers to defend against a lawsuit brought against it by another firm. One person may hire them to sue another person (the victim). Some litigators are only interested in personal injury cases. Others concentrate on commercial disputes. Others practice family law.

Litigation lawyers need to know how to argue in court and present evidence before juries. They need to be familiar with the rules of civil procedure as well as other aspects of law that govern litigation. They must be capable of researching and analyzing facts and issues. They must be skilled negotiators.

Are lawyers more financially successful than other professions or are they less?

No. Lawyers typically earn less than doctors, dentists, engineers, architects, teachers, nurses, accountants, pharmacists, and veterinarians. Lawyers are paid an average of $55,000 each year.

How can a lawyer earn 7 figures?

A lawyer should have an understanding of how the law affects business transactions. They must also know what drives businesses and how they work. This knowledge allows them advise clients on all legal matters.

They should be able and willing to negotiate contracts. Lawyers must also be skilled at writing briefs and other documents for court proceedings. A lawyer must be skilled at building relationships and working with people.

It is important to be able and competent in communicating with clients, employees, as well as colleagues, if you wish to earn $7,000/hour. Effective time management skills are essential to ensure you meet deadlines. It is important to be organized and able multitask.

What is the highest-paid law firm?

Firms that have been around for decades are more likely to be successful and well-respected in their respective fields. Their excellent service and affordable rates have helped them build a strong client base. These firms offer many benefits including retirement plans and insurance.

What is the difference of a paralegal versus a legal assistant

Paralegals have specific skills such as research, filing and typing. As legal assistants, they may be able to assist lawyers in writing pleadings, researching, and drafting motions. Both types of professionals aid attorneys in completing their workload.


  • The nationwide number of first-year students enrolling last fall increased by almost 12%, according to recent data by the American Bar Association. (stfrancislaw.com)
  • A Johns Hopkins study of more than 100 professions found lawyers the most likely to have severe depression—four times more likely than the average person. (rasmussen.edu)
  • According to a 2019 Robert Half Legal Consulting Solutions survey, 54% of law firms were planning to expand their legal teams. (stfrancislaw.com)
  • The median annual salary for lawyers in 2016 was $118,160, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). (rasmussen.edu)
  • The states that saw the biggest increase in average salary over the last 5 years are Rhode Island (+26.6%), Wisconsin (+24.1), Massachusetts (23.2%), Wyoming (18.3%), and North Dakota (18.1%). (legal.io)

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How To

How to make a Will with a Lawyer

A will, which is an important legal document, determines who gets what upon your death. It also contains instructions on how to pay off debts and other financial obligations.

A solicitor (lawyer), should draft a will and have it signed by two witnesses. If you do not wish to make a will, you can opt to not have one. However, this may lead to problems later when you cannot consent to medical treatment or decide where people live.

The state will appoint trustees for your estate until your death if you do not have one. This includes paying all your debts off and giving away any property. If there is no will, trustees will take over your home and distribute the proceeds to your beneficiaries. Administrators of your estate will be charged a fee.

There are three main reasons to make a will. It protects your loved-ones from being left in financial ruin. It makes sure that your wishes are honored after your death. Thirdly, it makes it easier for your executor (the person appointed to fulfill your wishes).

To discuss your options, the first step is to reach out to a solicitor. The cost of a Will will differ depending on whether the person is single, married, widowed, or divorced. Solicitors can also help with other matters like:

  • Make gifts for family members
  • Guardianship of children
  • Lending money
  • Manage your affairs while still alive
  • Avoiding probate
  • How to avoid capital gain tax on assets being sold
  • What happens to your home if you die before you sell it
  • Who pays the funeral costs?

You have two options: either you can write it yourself or you can ask a friend or relative for help. But remember, if someone asks you to sign a Will, you cannot modify it later.

Important Facts About Illinois Divorce